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TakeStockUK Details

TakeStock UK is a UK based reselling group created to help you reach your financial potential, without any bots or experience. Reselling is buying an item that is in high demand and then selling it for a profit. You are able to do this once a products demand outweighs its supply. When reselling is mastered it can provide you with crazy profit from very little work, here at TakeStock UK we show you the ropes to TAKESTOCK & PROFIT!
No means of contact detected, we advise you to contact the cook-group on its social networks.
How to join ?
This cook group is currently open, to join it, go to the link above.
See the Q&A on the official website

How much is it to join TakeStock UK ?

Our memberships are currently only £15 per month.

How can this be risk free ?

The items we recommend are all from verified retailers meaning they must accept refunds for 14 days on all items under UK law.

How much money will I make with you ?

There are no limits to the amount you can make with us. On average our members are making between £500-£2,000 a month.

How much do I need to start ?

You can start with any amount, however we recommend around £100 to see good profit.

About TakeStockUK

TakeStockUK is a Sneaker Cook group, this cook group is Open and its price is £15/month

Is any information missing?

Feel free to contact us on our Twitter to ask us to update the information !