
By Gabriel - Tags #glossary - Updated on : January 7, 2023

Resell is a term used to describe the act of buying a sneaker and then selling it for a higher price. This is a popular practice among sneakerheads and resellers, as it allows them to make a profit off of a sneaker. Reselling is often a great way to make money off of limited edition sneakers, as they are often highly sought-after and can fetch a high price.

Reselling can be done through various methods such as online marketplaces, social media platforms, or even in-person sales. Online marketplaces like eBay, StockX and GOAT have become popular platforms for sneaker reselling, as they provide a platform for buyers and sellers to connect and make transactions. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook have also become popular for reselling, as users can connect with potential buyers directly.

However, reselling is not without its challenges. Sneaker release dates and quantities are often unpredictable, making it difficult for resellers to predict the demand for a particular sneaker. Additionally, the market for sneakers is constantly changing, and certain sneakers may lose their value over time. As a result, it's important for resellers to stay informed about the sneaker market, and to be able to quickly adapt to changes in demand and pricing.