FEAR OF GOD x Ermenegildo Zegna Wool Blazer Jacket Matte Black

Last Sale
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Matte Black
Last 365 days hight / low
HIGHT $2026 | LOW $2026
Number of resales (12m)
Release date
Fear of God
streetwear FEAR OF GOD x Ermenegildo Zegna Wool Blazer Jacket Matte Black

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Lowest Ask: $1,476
Highest Bid: $500

FEAR OF GOD x Ermenegildo Zegna Wool Blazer Jacket Matte Black is a steetwear item from the brand Fear of God released on 09/14/2020 (5 years ago). The selling price of the last sale is $2,026, the last sale was made on 06/28/2021 (4 years ago). The colorway is : Matte Black. The highest selling price in the last 365 days is $2026 and the lowest is $2026.