Get higher chances using the best proxies out there.
See the Q&A on the official website

Datacenter or Residential Proxies ?

Residential Proxies are the least detectable so when it comes to botting Residential do have a slight advantage considering many websites are trying to block out bots these days. Some websites though fail at doing so and that’s when speed matters and datacenter comes in handy, for example Supreme.

How Fast are these Proxies ?

Each single proxy provide a speed up to 1GBPs.

Are they throttled on Shopify ?

No, our proxies aren’t throttled on Shopify and not on many sites, we test them regularly.

IP Authenticated or Password Authenticated ?

Our per hour Proxies are Password Authenticated, however, our Monthly Proxies are IP Authenticated and Password Authenticated.

SOCKS5 or HTTP/HTTPS Proxies ?

All the proxies you can are HTTP/HTTPs Proxies that are supported by many Bots.

Banned ?

Our Proxies have a very very low ban rate, it’s almost rare. In Case you have hourly proxies, you can always recreate your proxies to get fresh ones.