
By Gabriel - Tags #glossary - Updated on : February 3, 2023

Launch is a term used to describe a sneaker’s initial release. Generally, this term is used to refer to a limited edition or exclusive item, as it implies that the sneaker will only be available for a limited time. Launches often attract a lot of attention from sneaker collectors, as they are often the only way to guarantee the authenticity of a pair. Launches can often fetch a high price due to their rarity and nostalgia value.

Sneaker launches are often coordinated by the brand and take place at specific retailers or locations. Many launches are highly anticipated and attract long lines of people waiting to buy the shoe. Some launches are also done online, where the sneaker is released at a specific time, and are usually sold out within minutes.

In addition to being a way to acquire a limited edition or exclusive sneaker, launches can also be used as a marketing tool. Sneaker brands often use launches to generate hype and excitement around a new product, and they can be a great way to build buzz and generate media coverage. Many launches are also accompanied by special events or collaborations, which can add to the exclusivity and desirability of the shoe.

Overall, launches are an important part of the sneaker culture as they are the way for enthusiasts to acquire limited edition or exclusive sneakers. They are often highly anticipated and can be a great way to build buzz and generate media coverage. They can also be a way to authenticate and certify the pair, and usually carry a high price due to the rarity and nostalgia value.