What is Secure.STC ?
Secure.STC is a VIP discord group powered by SOLE TO CART providing its customers with the tools they need to succeed in securing their sneakers.
What payments do we accept ?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and Discover.
What is our refund policy ?
After memberships are purchased there is no refund on the subscription.
What do we provide ?
Our Discord group provides many extensive features from link monitors to early links to release guides & many more. One highlight is the PAS slot Pay After Success where members will have the luxury of paying for their slots only if it hits. This means there are no more temp holds in your accounts. We will also be providing tons of FREE slots for our members.
What does PAS slots mean ?
PAS slots stands for Pay After Success. This means you will not be charged upfront for the slot and rather charged only if your slot hits.
What makes us different from other Discord groups ?
The only way to find out is to join =)
How much is the monthly payment ?
Your subscription will be $55 per month.