CopGang Italy

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ITicon country IT
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CopGang Italy cook group presentation banner

CopGang Italy Details

Become part of CopGang, an exclusive cookgroup that will make your life in the sneakergame easier, helping you to buy all the limited edition products you are interested in retail and make profits with the resell.
No means of contact detected, we advise you to contact the cook-group on its social networks.
How to join ?
This cook group is currently open, to join it, go to the link above.
See the Q&A on the official website

How does CopGang work ?

CopGang is a CookGroup, our goal is to help members buy limited shoes / products at retail price, through our guides, monitors and all other services we make available to users

How can I subscribe ?

Per abbonarti devi riuscire a comprare la membership ad un Restock, che avviene generalmente una volta al mese. Puoi pagare Carta di credito o Prepagata, il rinnovo è mensile e puoi disdire quando vuoi.

What guides are there in the group ?

All'interno del gruppo abbiamo un gran numero di guide per tutte le esigenze, a partire da quelle per i nuovi arrivati per arrivare a guide ben dettagliate per i più esperti.

What is the difference between Regular and Pro ?

Con entrambi i piani avrai gli stessi servizi, l'unica differenza sono i Tools che avrete a disposizione. Nel piano Regular ne avrete solo 3, mentre col piano Pro li avrete tutti e 6.

The CookGroup is Sold out. What can I do? When will the next restock be ?

Generalmente effettuiamo un Restock al mese, segui le nostre pagine Instagram e Twitter per non farti scappare il prossimo !

I have no experience in this field and have never been to a CookGroup, will I have difficulty ?

Assolutamente no, non preoccuparti. Tutti i nostri membri ricevono un Video Tutorial che illustra, passo per passo, l'utilizzo del server.

About CopGang Italy

CopGang Italy is a Sneaker Cook group, this cook group is Open and its price is €34.9/month

Is any information missing?

Feel free to contact us on our Twitter to ask us to update the information !